Hours-long standoff in Antigo ends with man in custody after threatening to shoot officers


ANTIGO, Wis. (WFRV) – Officers in Langlade County have a man in custody following an hours-long standoff in which he barricaded himself in a home with two children and allegedly threatened to shoot officers.

According to the Antigo Police Department, the incident began just before 8:50 p.m. on June 3 and ended with the 41-year-old man in custody in the ‘morning hours’ of June 4.

Officers say the incident happened in the 700 block of Pierce Avenue in Antigo, and were initially called to the residence for a domestic dispute.

When officers attempted to contact the man, he allegedly barricaded himself in the residence with two children and threatened to shoot the officers.

مسؤلية الخبر: إن موقع "سيدر نيوز" غير مسؤول عن هذا الخبر شكلاً او مضموناً، وهو يعبّر فقط عن وجهة نظر مصدره أو كاتبه.

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