Cheng Saephan: immigrant battling cancer has won 1.3 billion dollars for playing the Powerball jackpot

Cheng Saephan

Salem | Oregon | Cheng Saephan, an immigrant from Laos Asia living in Salem Oregon has won a historic $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot last month. Despite battling cancer for eight years and having his latest chemotherapy treatment just last week, Saephan is celebrating his remarkable luck.

He shared during a news conference held by the Oregon Lottery that he and his wife, Duanpen, plan to split the prize evenly with a friend who contributed $100 for a batch of tickets. Opting for a lump sum payment, they will receive $621 million before taxes. Saephan expressed his hope to find a good doctor for himself. Despite his newfound wealth, Saephan, who admits to being a regular lottery player, intends to continue playing

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