Daniel Khalife, who was awaiting trial for terror offences, has escaped from prison in London

Daniel Khalife
Daniel Khalife

Authorities say a terror suspect has escaped Wandsworth Prison in United Kingdom, also saying ‘this is a national security threat.’

Daniel Abed Khalife, a 21-year-old serving member of the British Army who is awaiting trial for terror and Official Secrets Act offences, escaped from Wandsworth prison on Wednesday morning, the Metropolitan Police said.

مسؤلية الخبر: إن موقع "سيدر نيوز" غير مسؤول عن هذا الخبر شكلاً او مضموناً، وهو يعبّر فقط عن وجهة نظر مصدره أو كاتبه.

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