Police investigation prompts lockdown at Norwin School District elementary school

 A large police presence in North Huntingdon Township on Tuesday afternoon prompted a Westmoreland County school district to place an elementary school on modified lockdown.

The Norwin School District placed Stewartsville Elementary School on modified lockdown just after 2 p.m. due to a “community threat,” the superintendent announced in a letter to families.

Authorities also delayed afternoon dismissal at the high school for safety reasons, authorities said.

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Through social media, officials with North Huntingdon Township asked the public to avoid the area of Route 30 and Carpenter Lane in the Stewartsville area.

Law enforcement converged near the Huntingdon Inn Motel after gunfire reportedly rang out while officers attempted to serve a warrant.

A suspect was wounded and reportedly died at the scene.

Police are clearing the area and reopening the roads while Norwin Schools have lifted the lockdown. Students will be about 15-30 minutes later than their normal schedule.

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