Police watchdog investigating after Alberta RCMP shooting leaves man dead

 Alberta RCMP shooting

VALLEYVIEW, Alta. – Alberta’s police watchdog is investigating after Valleyview RCMP shot and killed a man Monday night.

RCMP say officers were called about a report of a suicidal man with a firearm in the town about 350 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.

When police arrived at the home, the man was found outside with a firearm.

RCMP say after police tried to talk to the man and defuse the situation an officer fired their gun.

The man died on the way to hospital.

مسؤلية الخبر: إن موقع "سيدر نيوز" غير مسؤول عن هذا الخبر شكلاً او مضموناً، وهو يعبّر فقط عن وجهة نظر مصدره أو كاتبه.

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