Teen arrested for triple shooting in Pennsylvania is person-of-interest in murder of 7th grader in Rochester

shooting in Pennsylvania

Fernandez-Reyes, 16, was one of two people arrested for the fatal shooting of two children, ages 8 and 9, and a 19-year-old man in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Police say it happened on May 30 after an argument with the man as the two kids were playing with kittens outside.

When Reyes was arrested in Pennsylvania, he had an active warrant in Rochester for illegal gun possession. Rochester Police said he was arrested in Rochester for an illegal handgun last September, received an appearance ticket, but ended up fleeing the area.

RPD also said Reyes is also a person of interest in the murder of Lopez, a seventh grader at Benjamin Franklin Education Campus. He and another teen, who survived, were shot while walking on Atkinson Street. Lopez was found dead on the sidewalk.

“Our Major Crimes Unit has been tirelessly investigating Lopez’ murder and is currently coordinating with Law Enforcement Officials in Lebanon in hopes of furthering that investigation,” said a statement from RPD.

مسؤلية الخبر: إن موقع "سيدر نيوز" غير مسؤول عن هذا الخبر شكلاً او مضموناً، وهو يعبّر فقط عن وجهة نظر مصدره أو كاتبه.

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