update: 5 people shot and wounded in downtown Baltimore

downtown Baltimore

Breaking: 5 people shot and wounded here in downtown Baltimore

Police say two groups were arguing at Eutaw & Saratoga Streets when one person pulled out a gun, started shooting and ran off

Five men were shot near Lexington Market on Friday, according to Baltimore City Police Department.

Officers were called to the 200 block of Saratoga Street at around 3:30 pm, according to authorities.

Baltimore City Police Commissioner Michael Harrison said at a pressor that multiple rounds of bullets were fired Friday near Lexington Market.

The shooting has one intended target, said police.

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Harrison says multiple rounds of bullets were fired in the area but there was one intended target.

All the victim’s ages range from 38 to mid-60s said the Commissioner.

All five of the men’s injuries are non-life threatening.

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