Police recover body of missing toddler in Elkton

 Mykell Richardson

ELKTON — About 24 hours after he was reported missing, police searching for Mykell Richardson found the three-year-old’s body in Little Elk Creek, according to Elkton Police.

The toddler from Aberdeen was visiting his grandmother, who lives on Quail Court in Elkton, when he disappeared around 4:20 Sunday afternoon.

Word of the recovery got out fast in the neighborhood and people rushed to the scene, where witnesses said both sides of Richardson’s family had witnessed the recovery.

Lt. Ron Odom, EPD spokesman, said Chesapeake Search and Rescue, Maryland State Police Dive Team and even residents joined in the search for Richardson, who was autistic.

“We were told he loved the water,” Odom said. The search grid went by air, land and water – including infrared and heat sensors – hoping to find Richardson alive.

The search for the toddler had been suspended Sunday night by 11 p.m. but resumed Monday morning with the divers being called to the scene

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