Texas parents vote to secure conservative school board majorities

Texas parents

Elections on May 6, 2023, saw several school boards across Texas secure conservative leadership for their districts.

Patriot Mobile Action PAC helped parents in these districts successfully fight against leftist organizations and secured more logic-based teachings in schools.

One district that saw new leadership elected was the Southlake Carroll Independent School District (CISD), which, according to a statement released by the PMA PAC, has been embroiled in a three-year battle to secure conservative trustees.

مسؤلية الخبر: إن موقع "سيدر نيوز" غير مسؤول عن هذا الخبر شكلاً او مضموناً، وهو يعبّر فقط عن وجهة نظر مصدره أو كاتبه.

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