Video: Deltona Middle School teacher accused of kissing student in classroom

Florida Middle School teacher

A math teacher at Deltona Middle School has been charged with lewd or lascivious conduct and witness tampering in an investigation of his conduct with a 15-year-old student.

Carlos Aguirre Rendon, 29, of Longwood, was arrested Wednesday afternoon on those two felony charges while the investigation continues.

Deputies began investigating the case Jan. 11, when it was reported that Aguirre kissed the victim on the lips in his classroom. The girl’s parents told deputies they had concerns prior to that, as her mother said she’d seen Aguirre with his arm around her daughter at a Deltona park.

While the investigation into Aguirre’s conduct is continuing, interviews with witnesses indicate Aguirre often sought to be alone with the victim and appeared to be pursuing a relationship with her outside of normal teacher-student contact.

On Tuesday, deputies learned that Aguirre had been approaching potential witnesses at Firefighters Memorial Park in Deltona, asking about the victim and telling at least one witness not to talk to the police.

[“(Rendon) would regularly ask other students to leave the classroom so he could be alone with her. He would follow her around campus in between classes and even offered himself as a private English tutor when he noticed she was struggling with the subject,” the affidavit reads.]

Aguirre (booked in the Volusia County Branch Jail under the name Carlos A. Rendon) posted $12,500 bond for his release Wednesday night. Additional charges are possible pending the outcome of the investigation.

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