Woman’s head found in a New York park along with other body parts

Woman’s head found in a New York park along with other body parts as police investigate whether or not MS-13 was involved.

Open borders have consequences.

A head was found in a Long Island park by a cadaver dog according to police.

Just hours earlier, police found two arms and a leg. Later on in the day the cadaver dog found a right arm just 20 feet away.

The left arm belonged to a man and had tattoos on it but the fingertips were chopped off so they couldn’t be identified.

The other arm, the leg and the head all belonged to the same woman according to police.

The cops appear to have reason to believe that the deaths are related to the MS-13 gang who is active in the area.

The body parts were first discovered by a school girl.

It didn’t have to be this way.

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