Ford plant in Missouri shuts down over ‘possible threat

A Ford assembly plant in Missouri was evacuated and shut down on Tuesday night after police received a report about a possible threat.

At a press conference, Clay County Sheriff’s Office officials said a man who claimed to be armed with explosives, a rifle and a handgun barricaded himself in a bathroom. The incident occurred at 5:20 p.m. local time.

As authorities tried to verify the possible threat, the man provided officers with a fake name. He was, however, able to correctly name a supervisor at the plant, law enforcement said. The man’s identity is not known.

The call about the possible threat came from a spoofed number, the Sheriff’s office said, noting it makes it challenging to verify.

The incident prompted an evacuation at the Ford plant and a suspension of production for the night and it will remain closed until it is thoroughly searched and cleared by specialized teams, according to the Sheriff’s office.

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